The topic of much discussion on NextDoor –  in Ward 5 Merritt Place is looking to infill 11 townhouses with 4 units each. While it is not fully mixed use (stores on the bottom and housing on top) it is a good example of missing middle housing.

Missing middle housing is important in that it provides much needed increased density that detached single family housing cannot. Nashua currently has a housing shortage:

Allowing developers to build higher density housing is good for both developers and the residents of Nashua who are being priced by folks coming from out of state. New Hampshire is the state with the 4th highest inbound rate at 61.6%, people are flocking here.

The planning board meeting

On the 17th, the developers from Merritt Place were seeking a variance so they could build a half a story higher than the R30 zoning permitted (but was permitted by the underlying FUOD – Flexible Use Overlay District) A22-0182, as well as seeking approval for the site plan containing 11 multi-family houses A22-0039.

At 4.5 hours – with so much discussion the planning meeting ended up going much longer than expected. Only the variance was addressed, but it was approved!

Merritt Place’s site plan discussion was pushed to the next Planning Board meeting which is happening on December 1. Although given discussion of the infamous asphalt plant is happening that day, I have a feeling it will most likely end up getting tabled again.

With that said, we have successfully helped push forward on much needed medium density, missing middle housing.

Looking forward to the next discussion as we move forward and help get more medium and high density housing in Nashua!

Conversation Leader – Darrien Glasser

For the full agenda for the Planning Board meeting on November 17th, see here:


Categories: Advocacy

1 Comment

General meeting #3 recap – ft. Matt Sullivan and Sam Durfee - Nashua Strong Towns · December 17, 2022 at 2:10 pm

[…] in Nashua there is a general lack of places to live as the housing shortage grows in the area. The idea of densification of areas is now being brought up by more folks in a way that […]

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