Mayor Jim Donchess is doing town halls with his constituents! Ward 1 just wrapped up. Ward 2 was rescheduled (although the new day has not yet been posted).

If there are roads you feel are unsafe or issues you would like to raise with regards to walkability or just Strong Towns in general, it’s a great opportunity to do so.

Folks in the opposite camp have requested speed increases on some roads, so it is important we get out and about to discuss walkability and its importance!

If there are issues in your neighborhood, make sure to raise them there!

Even if we aren’t able to make change through the meeting, moving the Overton window even a bit is progress.

Check for the day and time for your ward below!

For the most updated list, see the town website here:

Categories: Advocacy

1 Comment

General meeting #4 recap – trains and towns - Nashua Strong Towns · January 31, 2023 at 8:16 pm

[…] in a previous post mayor Jim Donchess is meeting with all of his wards, week by week until the month of March! All […]

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